Births 2009
Birth No. 39 – 28 December 2009
Pang Ngam Net which means beautiful eyes, arrived on the 28 December, Pang Oijai the Mum was in Bangkok on a job at the time. After a few days they came home the night of 4th January. After spending the first few days here buried under straw and sleeping Ngam Net has woken up to her surroundings and is slowly widening her circle of exploration in each waking moment. She has discovered that the white plastic chairs that people sit on are light and easily thrown around; if she realises that she can do this with visitors when she is older we will be in trouble!
Birth No. 38 – 16 December 2009
The smallest newcomer was born to Mayura. She is so tiny he was nicknamed Grapow which means pocket. He and mum came home to us from Chiang Mai and has become a firm favourite with everyone. One spoilt baby in the offing. He has not been named officially yet but because of his diminutive size and overwhelming cuteness he has been nicknamed ‘Pocket’. No other name would be appropriate.

Birth No. 37 – 11 October 2009
Pang Doksanu had her second baby this morning at 1 am 11 October 2009. This time Doksanu had a girl. A special group that is regularly organised by Jeanette Dickens from Melbourne Zoo of zoo volunteers and friends, were the fortunate group to be here at the time. Pi Om asked them to name the baby. Opal was suggested, being an Australian precious gem stone and the birth stone of October, seemed an appropriate name. So Opal it is.
I dont usually like being woken up quite so abruptly at 1 am but last night was an exception when told a baby girl elephant calf had just been born! An unforgettable experience to watch- one that will be with me for a long time. And one I am extremely grateful for.
Eleanor Unreal, unexpected and very exciting!
Rhonda Looking into the eyes of a new born elephant baby takes your breath away. But being able to touch this amazing creature minutes after its birth, feeling the warmth of its body is unimaginable.
Nadelle: “Just thinking that only a handful of people can say they have seen an elephant birth- and now I am one of those people is a privilege and a memory that will remising with me always.”
Nerida (Ned): “What a treat!! This is my fourth visit and the first time I have had the privilege of witnessing the community involvement in the birth of a claf and the ceremony attached. I am humbled and grateful to be included.”
Jenny: “So amazing to spend my birthday watching a new born baby elephant find her feet in this world. It is an absolute honour to be asked to choose her name Opal.”
Kate: “At this stage mother and baby are doing fine, but we have had to hand feed the baby the mothers milk.”