Welcome to our new blog

Happy New Year!
We hope everyone has had a wonderful break and is geared for an elephantastic 2019, and of course, hope to see you sometime throughout this exciting year.
So this year we decided to retire our original Elephant Rumbles blog on blogger.com, as we decided to use the blogging function associated with our new website. Hope you enjoy the new updated format as much as we do.
We have a whole lot planned for you to look forward to reading about in our blog, such as:
- News about the Elephantstay Herd and Elephantstay;
- Elephantstayer awards and testimonials;
- Elephant facts and research;
- Village life and projects; and
- Baby elephant birth alerts.
By subscribing you’ll never miss a blog post.
We encourage you to join the conversation, add comments, make suggestions, and even disagree – with a couple of caveats:
- please keep comments relevant to the conversation,
- maintain respect for all those involved; and
- please don’t comment to advertise or promote yourself or other organisations.
We will moderate comments and will quickly remove any that are offensive, disrespectful or irrelevant as we will not tolerate it or have followers subjected to inappropriate behaviour.
Thank you for visiting, reading and being part of our Elephantstay conversation. Stay tuned for our next blog post – will it be a ramble or a rumble? Subscribe and see 🙂
Have an elephantastic day, every day!
The Elephant Rumbles Team
PS … You can learn more about Elephantstay by visiting our website and following us on our social media pages -links below!